According to the FAST data policy, FAST Data Center releases data from November 1,2022 to January 31, 2023. Projects carried out during this period are shown in the table below. The observed sources are listed in the attachment below. Please contact FAST Data Center (fastdc@nao.cas.cn) for the data.
Important note: Releases data is only for astronomical scientific research, any commercial use is strictly prohibited.
20221101 - 20230131 - Observed projects | ||||
NO. | PID | PI | Projects Name | Abstract |
1 | 2019a-109-P | Kejia Lee | Initializing the Chinese Pulsar timing array | |
2 | N2022_1 | Zhu Ming | HI drift scan survey | Download |
3 | PT2022_0002 | Lin Lin | Catch the radio emission associated with magnetar-like X-ray bursts | |
4 | PT2022_0006 | Lingqi Meng | Test General Relativity with Pulsar's Geodetic Precession | |
5 | PT2022_0008 | Jing Zhou | Atomic Clouds Driven by Galactic Nuclear Wind | |
6 | PT2022_0009 | Weiwei Zhu | Testing the Theories of Gravitation with Pulsars | |
7 | PT2022_0010 | Yao Jumei | Pulsars as Interstellar Beacons | |
8 | PT2022_0012 | bjwang | Monitor the Recovery of PSR J1713+0747 Profile Changing Event Associated with DM Event and a Glitch | |
9 | PT2022_0013 | Miao Chenchen | Timing of 6 new MSPs and 12 MSP binary systems discovered in CRAFTS with FAST | |
10 | PT2022_0016 | bjwang | Observing Double-Neutron-Stars system in the FAST sky | |
11 | PT2022_0017 | Miao Xueli | Using high sensitivity observation study particular stellar evolution in binary pulsar systems | |
12 | PT2022_0018 | Zhang Chunfeng | Monitoring Rotation Measure Evolution of the Repeating FRB 180301 | |
13 | PT2022_0021 | Lin Lin | Joint Radio and X-ray monitoring campaign of SGR J1935+2154 | |
14 | PT2022_0022 | Wang Pei | Timing Two Pulsars and Following up Three MSP Candidates Discovered by FAST in Unidentified Fermi Sources | |
15 | PT2022_0023 | Heng Xu | Refine the Mass Measurement of a Massive Pulsar via Shapiro Delay | |
16 | PT2022_0024 | Joeri van Leeuwen | Going over the edge: General Relativity reveals the magnetic pole of precessing pulsar J1906+0746 (continued) | |
17 | PT2022_0025 | ZhichenPan | Deep Search for Pulsars in the Globular Clusters in the Southern Sky | |
18 | PT2022_0027 | Cheng Cheng | Deep Mapping of Diffuse HI in Intragroup Medium of Stephan's Quintet | |
19 | PT2022_0028 | Miao Chenchen | Revealing the magnetic field of the companion star wind in eclipsing pulsar binary | |
20 | PT2022_0031 | Li Chong | Looking into the largest gas filament or a new spiral arm segment at the extreme outer Galaxy | |
21 | PT2022_0033 | Kong Lingda | FAST search for radio pulsar in gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057 | |
22 | PT2022_0034 | Niu Chenhui | The Energy distribution and propagation effect of the FRB 20190520B that discovered by FAST | |
23 | PT2022_0035 | Liu Xiaojin | Timing observations of J1402+13: a bright binary millisecond pulsar and promising candidate for pulsar timing arrays | |
24 | PT2022_0037 | Lian Yujie | Timing Analysis of the new pulsars in M53: the most distant globular cluster with known pulsars | |
25 | PT2022_0039 | Tianxian Luo | Search for a high-velocity pulsar across a nonthermal filament | |
26 | PT2022_0040 | Liu kuo | Monitoring and discovering pulsars in Globular Cluster M2 and M14 | |
27 | PT2022_0041 | Jiangwei Xu | High cadence observations on FRB 20201124A | |
28 | PT2022_0042 | Shan-Shan Weng | Search for radio pulsations from two AMXPs in quiescence | |
29 | PT2022_0043 | Niu Jiarui | Confirming 4 FAST-discovered RRATs and 2 potential repeating FRBs | |
30 | PT2022_0044 | Ningyu Tang | Excitation environment at regions with extremely low thermal pressure | |
31 | PT2022_0047 | Su Weiqi | 18 Pulsars Discovered in the GPPS Survey: Young or Old? | |
32 | PT2022_0048 | Lu Jiguang | Search for periodic signals from ZTF J1406+1222 - the black widow candidate in a 62-minute-period orbit | |
33 | PT2022_0050 | Wang Lin | Monitoring Pulsars in the globular cluster M13 | |
34 | PT2022_0052 | Ke Wang | FAST Zeeman: Magnetic Field Strengths in Milky Way "Bones" | |
35 | PT2022_0053 | Bin Liu | The FAST Recombination Line Survey: First Segment II | |
36 | PT2022_0054 | Wu Qingdong | Long-term follow-up timing of six binary and four millisecond pulsars discovered by FAST | |
37 | PT2022_0056 | Heng Xu | Expanding Chinese Pulsar Timing Array | |
38 | PT2022_0057 | Rui Luo | Monitoring a short gamma-ray burst with possible radio transient | |
39 | PT2022_0060 | Ligang Hou | Exploring the outer gaseous boundary of the Milky Way by sensitive HI observations | |
40 | PT2022_0062 | Lei Zhang | Monitoring of millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster NGC5904 (M5) with FAST | |
41 | PT2022_0063 | Zhichen Pan | Timing FAST-discovered Binary Pulsars in the Globular Cluster M71 | |
42 | PT2022_0064 | Yang Chen | Follow-up Timing Observation of the FAST-detected Pulsar (J2016+3711) in Supernova Remnant CTB 87 | |
43 | PT2022_0065 | Xun Shi | Pulsar scintillation arclets monitoring: probing properties of the interstellar plasma lenses | |
44 | PT2022_0068 | Zhichen Pan | Confirmation of Candidates from Reprocessing Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey Data | |
45 | PT2022_0069 | Sihan Jiao | Multi-phase Turbulence in the Serpens Molecular Cloud | |
46 | PT2022_0073 | Niu Chenhui | Deep Followup of FAST-discovered FRBs | |
47 | PT2022_0075 | Xiaoting Fu | Searching for pulsars in Open Clusters | |
48 | PT2022_0077 | Wenming Yan | Follow-up timing of a long-spin-period binary pulsar discovered in HTRU-S LowLat pulsar survey | |
49 | PT2022_0078 | Li Xiangdong | Observations of the eccentric binary millisecond pulsar J1950+2414 | |
50 | PT2022_0084 | Guang-Wei Li | Explore the magnetic fields of ultra-cool dwarfs found with LAMOST | |
51 | PT2022_0085 | Wang Shuangqiang | Searching for radio emissions from radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars | |
52 | PT2022_0086 | ZhichenPan | Monitoring Seven Globular Cluster Spider Pulsars with FAST | |
53 | PT2022_0087 | DejiangYin | Searching, Timing, and Studying the formation mechanism of Pulsars in the NGC6517 | |
54 | PT2022_0088 | Eswaraiah Chakali | Measuring magnetic fields strengths in Planck Cold Clumps based on the HINSA Zeeman experiment with FAST | |
55 | PT2022_0089 | Wang Jingbo | Study of state switching pulsars | |
56 | PT2022_0090 | Qingzheng Yu | A Survey of HI Absorption in Faint Radio AGNs at z < 0.1 | |
57 | PT2022_0091 | Zheng Zheng | HI follow-up for ALMaQUEST galaxies | |
58 | PT2022_0094 | ZhichenPan | Solving the Orbits of the Six Previously FAST Discovered Globular Cluster Binary Pulsars | |
59 | PT2022_0095 | Heng Xu | Ultra-High Precision Timing Observations of the Planet PulsarSystem | |
60 | PT2022_0096 | Jing Wang | FEASTS: FAST Extended-Atlas-of-Selected-Targets Survey | |
61 | PT2022_0098 | Xun Shi | Annual modulation of pulsar scintillation arc curvature: precision measurement of scintillation screen properties | |
62 | PT2022_0099 | Pei Zuo | The Tully-Fisher Relation of Polar Ring Galaxies | |
63 | PT2022_0100 | Rui Luo | Observing the candidate repeating sources from the CHIME/FRB Catalog | |
64 | PT2022_0103 | Qi-Jun Zhi | Timing and confirmation of new pulsars discovered by FAST at intermediate Galactic latitudes | |
65 | PT2022_0105 | Yao Jumei | Revealing the spin-kick origin using a hyper-velocity pulsar | |
66 | PT2022_0106 | Pablo Saz Parkinson | FAST searches for MSPs in Fermi LAT unassociated sources from the 4FGL-DR3 Catalog | |
67 | PT2022_0111 | YuxiaoWu | Study the Pulsars in the Globular Cluster M15 | |
68 | PT2022_0117 | Shijun Dang | Measurements of pulse jitter in millisecond pulsars using FAST | |
69 | PT2022_0118 | Lian Yujie | Search for Radio Signal of Pulsars without Dispersion Measure Values in Pulsar Catalog | |
70 | PT2022_0119 | Tong-Jie Zhang | Targeted SETI with FAST: putting most stringent constrain on the artificial signals from ETIs towards the nearby stars | |
71 | PT2022_0120 | Zhengli Wang | The polarization and single-pulse characteristics for the whole pulse phase radiation pulsar. | |
72 | PT2022_0123 | Zhichen Pan | Study the Pulsars in the Globular Cluster NGC6749 | |
73 | PT2022_0124 | Zhou Zurong | Long-term timing of six MSPs in Globular Clusters | |
74 | PT2022_0125 | zhoudejiang | Follow-up observations of five FRBs discovered in the GPPS survey | |
75 | PT2022_0126 | Ran Wang | Testing AGN Feedback in Quasars with H I Observations | |
76 | PT2022_0128 | Kou Feifei | Exploring 3D magnetosphere with relativistic binary pulsars | |
77 | PT2022_0132 | Sun Shengnan | A study of periodic amplitude modulation phenomenon in pulsars using FAST | |
78 | PT2022_0134 | Liu Lijia | Interplanetary Scintillation Observations with FAST during PSP perihelion | |
79 | PT2022_0138 | Zhao Rushuang | The research of nulling behavior of new pulsars detected in CRAFTS | |
80 | PT2022_0141 | Niu Jiarui | The Enigmatic Birth Properties of Pulsars | |
81 | PT2022_0142 | Ligang Hou | A distant large star forming complex in the first Galactic quadrant discovered by the GPPS survey | |
82 | PT2022_0143 | Li Xiangdong | Search for Fast Radio Bursts from Fast Blue Optical Transients | |
83 | PT2022_0147 | Yu Niankun | The Possible Existence and Formation of the Polar Ring in NGC 2685 | |
84 | PT2022_0149 | Roger Ianjamasimanana | H I observations of ”isolated” Local Group dwarf galaxies. | |
85 | PT2022_0150 | Wang Shen | A Single Pulses Study of 10 Nulling Pulsars | |
86 | PT2022_0155 | Yao Jumei | Confirming and timing halo pulsar candidates detected by FAST | |
87 | PT2022_0158 | Zonglin Yang | Timing of double neutron star candidate J1933+2038g | |
88 | PT2022_0159 | Tao Wang | Long-term Timing of 19 Binary Pulsars Discovered By GPPS Survey | |
89 | PT2022_0162 | Jun Wang | Single pulse and phase-jitter analysis of millisecond pulsars using FAST High Time Resolution Observation | |
90 | PT2022_0169 | Xu Jun | Probing the vertical component of Galactic magnetic fields with FAST pulsar polarization observations | |
91 | PT2022_0173 | Guodong Li | Detecting the HI Emission of Two Low-Redshift Hot Dust-Obscured Galaxy Analogs | |
92 | PT2022_0174 | Wang Pengfei | Confirmation of the binary nature of millisecond pulsars discovered in the GPPS survey | |
93 | PT2022_0177 | zhoudejiang | Follow-up observations of new RRATs discovered in the GPPS survey | |
94 | PT2022_0178 | Zonglin Yang | Timing seven GPPS binary millisecond pulsars | |
95 | PT2022_0181 | Bo Zhang | Search for extragalactic HI absorption systems in the redshift range of 0.25-0.35 | |
96 | PT2022_0186 | Nannan Cai | Timing of 48 long-period pulsars discovered by the GPPS survey | |
97 | PT2022_0190 | Shijun Dang | Timing of Pulsars with frequent glitches | |
98 | PT2022_0192 | Yogesh Chandola | HI content of young starburst blueberry galaxies | |
99 | PT2022_0200 | De Zhao | Long-term timing of 10 millisecond pulsars using FAST | |
100 | PT2022_0202 | Wang Wei | Fast variations of radio flux and polarization in microquasars | |
101 | ZD2020_3 | Kejia Lee | Pulsar timing: Chinese pulsar timing array (CPTA) | |
102 | ZD2022_1 | Di Li | The Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey (CRAFTS) | Download |
103 | ZD2022_2 | Jinlin Han | The Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot (GPPS) survey | Download |
104 | ZD2022_4 | Wang Jie | HI Mapping and pulsars searching toward M31 region | Download |
105 | ZD2022_5 | Weiwei Zhu | Fast radio burst searches and multi-wavelength observations | Download |
106 | ZD2022_6 | Na Wang | Pulsar timing: Physics and evolution of pulsars | Download |
Attachment: 20221101-20230131-Observerd Sources-list .pdf |