


PT2024_0001 A pilot search for pulsars on the edge of the Fermi Bubbles Xue Mengyao A Abstract
PT2024_0002 Searching for radio pulsations in the transitional millisecond pulsar PSR J1023+0038 after a transition Xian Hou A+B Abstract
PT2024_0003 Verify the Linear Polarization in HI Absorption Line toward Quasars Ching Tao-Chung A+B Abstract
PT2024_0004 Going over the edge: General Relativity reveals the magnetic pole of precessing pulsar J1906+0746 (continued) Joeri van Leeuwen A Abstract
PT2024_0005 Monitoring the DM and RM decadal evolution of the repeating FRB 20121102A Junshuo Zhang A Abstract
PT2024_0006 FAST HI absorption survey towards low luminosity radio-loud active galactic nuclei at z ~0.25 - 0.35 Yogesh Chandola A Abstract
PT2024_0007 Polarization measurements of MSPs discovered by FAST-GPPS Wang Pengfei A Abstract
PT2024_0008 Deep Mapping of Diffuse HI in Intragroup Medium of Stephan's Quintet Cheng Cheng A Abstract
PT2024_0009 A New Era for SETI: Integrating Enhanced Techniques with a Robust Signal Detection Framework with FAST Tong-Jie Zhang A Abstract
PT2024_0010 Searching for radio emissions from radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars Wang Shuangqiang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0011 A FAST look at Supernova Remnants observed with MeerKAT: Combining single-dish with interferometer data to illuminate their properties Aiyuan Yang A Abstract
PT2024_0012 Identifying new supernova remnants (SNR) using FAST Aiyuan Yang A Abstract
PT2024_0013 Multi-wavelength monitoring of the magnetar active episode Lin Lin A Abstract
PT2024_0014 Mapping the diffuse HI distribution in the Circumgalactic Medium of NGC4565 Cheng Cheng A Abstract
PT2024_0015 Search for Radio Pulsations from Gaia Neutron Star Candidates with FAST Shi-Jie Gao A+B Abstract
PT2024_0016 Hunting for radio emission of the optical supernova remnant G159.6+7.3 Wenhui Jing A Abstract
PT2024_0017 Search for fine structures in the auroral radio emission from brown dwarfs with high time-resolution observations Hui Tian A Abstract
PT2024_0018 An isolated, dark, starless galaxy at form? Zhiyu Zhang A Abstract
PT2024_0019 Expanding Chinese Pulsar Timing Array Heng Xu A Abstract
PT2024_0020 Timing of 7 double neutron star candidates discovered by the FAST GPPS survey Zonglin Yang A Abstract
PT2024_0021 Search for repeating FRBs associated with PRSs Hengxing Pan A Abstract
PT2024_0022 A follow-up timing study on a Galactic peculiar narrow-banded radio transient Wan-jin Lu A Abstract
PT2024_0023 Test General Relativity with Relativistic Spin Precession in Double Neutron Star Systems Lingqi Meng A Abstract
PT2024_0024 Revealing the ionized circumstellar environment of the pulsar planetary system Yao Jumei A Abstract
PT2024_0025 Investigation on the Radiation Geometry Modeling and Polarization in Multidrifting Pulsars Qi-Jun Zhi A Abstract
PT2024_0026 Confirmation of the binary nature of millisecond pulsars discovered in the GPPS survey Wang Pengfei A Abstract
PT2024_0027 Follow-up timing observations of MSPs J0435+3233: stringent constraints on the pulsar spin-up theories Wu Qingdong A Abstract
PT2024_0028 FAST-Effelsberg simultaneous observation of pulsar scintillation of B1133+16 Xun Shi A+B Abstract
PT2024_0029 Follow-up timing observations for a newly discovered pulsar potentially associated with supernova remnant G29.6+0.1 Wenming Yan A Abstract
PT2024_0030 Establishing the magnetar-FRB link: Simultaneous Radio/X-ray monitoring of a magnetar outburst Emilie Parent A Abstract
PT2024_0031 Searching for Radio Pulsations from Neutron Star Low-Mass X-ray Binaries Zhaosheng Li A+B Abstract
PT2024_0032 Timing analysis of newly found binary pulsars in Glimpse-C01 Yujie Lian A Abstract
PT2024_0033 FAST ToO Program of Radio Follow-up of Gravitational Wave Events Shi-Jie Gao A Abstract
PT2024_0034 A study of radio-loud gamma-ray pulsars using FAST Sun Shengnan A Abstract
PT2024_0035 Timing of 9 millisecond pulsars discovered by CRAFTS Miao Chenchen A Abstract
PT2024_0036 Temporal and spectral analysis of microstructures in slow-period CRAFTS pulsars Habtamu Menberu Tedila A+B Abstract
PT2024_0037 FAST observations of unique long period transients discovered by CHIME/FRB/Pulsar Fengqiu Dong A+B Abstract
PT2024_0038 HI Intensity Mapping and Galaxy Survey Yougang Wang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0039 Search for auroral radio emissions from fast-rotating dwarves and star-planets systems Laurent Lamy A+B Abstract
PT2024_0040 Timing of Pulsars with Unusually High Orbital Eccentricities in M10 Yujie Wang A Abstract
PT2024_0041 Testing the Theories of Gravitation with Pulsars Xueli Miao A Abstract
PT2024_0042 Observing MSPs for mode changing study bjwang A Abstract
PT2024_0043 Timing study of 13 newly discovered long-period pulsars in the Globular Cluster M15 Dengke Zhou A Abstract
PT2024_0044 HI evolution in Hickson Compact Groups: FAST imaging of the missing HI Amidou Sorgho A Abstract
PT2024_0045 The first high-sensitive search for pulsars in four Northern Globular Clusters Lei Zhang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0046 Searching for jet-driven neutral hydrogen outflows Renzhi Su A Abstract
PT2024_0047 The evolution of the atomic gas fraction in post-merger galaxies Sara Ellison A Abstract
PT2024_0048 Confirming ultra-compact PALFA survey pulsar candidates from Einstein@Home Rahul Sengar A+B Abstract
PT2024_0049 Pulsar Mass Measurements of Five Millisecond Pulsars via Shapiro Delays Heng Xu A Abstract
PT2024_0050 Timing of Binary Pulsars with a Massive Nondegenerate Companion Niu Jiarui A Abstract
PT2024_0051 Polarization observations of 155 pulsars in the Galactic halo Jun Xu A Abstract
PT2024_0052 Beyond Millennium: Expanding the Sample of Zeeman Measurements in HI Absorption Marta Nowotka A+B Abstract
PT2024_0053 FAST Ultra-Deep Survey (FUDS): observation for the FUDS1 field Peng Bo A Abstract
PT2024_0054 The magnetic field of eclipse materials and eclipse duration measurement of J1959+2048 and J2339-0533 Miao Chenchen A Abstract
PT2024_0055 Using interstellar scintillation to probe the orbital geometry of PSR J2222−0137 Yao Jumei A Abstract
PT2024_0056 Zooming in on the Orion Magnetic Reversal Timothy Robishaw A Abstract
PT2024_0057 Probing the Magnetic Field at the Eclipse Boundaries of the Spider Pulsar J1908+2105 Fu Qiuyang A Abstract
PT2024_0058 Understanding the Mode switching and oscillations in PSR B1828-11 Ziwei Wu A Abstract
PT2024_0059 Feedback Traced by H I in AGN-host Dwarf Galaxies with Coronal Line Emissions Jialai Wang A Abstract
PT2024_0060 Timing and confirmation of new pulsars discovered towards the Galactic Bulge Qi-Jun Zhi A Abstract
PT2024_0061 Characterisation of X-ray discovered isolated neutron star candidates with FAST Adriana Pires A+B Abstract
PT2024_0062 Monitoring Pulsars in the globular cluster M13 Wang Lin A Abstract
PT2024_0063 Polarization studies of mode changing pulsars using FAST Sun Shengnan A Abstract
PT2024_0064 Follow-up observations of a pulsar and four pulsar candidates in possible association with open clusters Liu Xiaojin A Abstract
PT2024_0065 A study on the companion masses of massive binary pulsars Hang Gong A Abstract
PT2024_0066 Confirming two millisecond-pulsar candidates Wang Zhongxiang A Abstract
PT2024_0067 Verify that some pulsar candidates can be found in non central beam when using 19-beam receiver. Yaowei Li A+B Abstract
PT2024_0068 A HINSA census towards metal-poor molecular clouds in the Galactic far outer disk Lingrui Lin A+B Abstract
PT2024_0069 Searching and timing  for pulsars in M2 Baoda Li A Abstract
PT2024_0070 Conducting a deeply search for pulsars in four Globular Clusters with FAST DejiangYin A+B Abstract
PT2024_0071 Reveling the nature of a recently discovered long-period radio transient Yuan Mao A Abstract
PT2024_0072 Follow-Up of Pulsars Discovered in the PALFA Survey II Alexander Saffer A Abstract
PT2024_0073 Timing RRATs discovered by FAST zhoudejiang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0074 Cold atomic gas in strong X-ray cool cores of local galaxy groups Ming Sun A Abstract
PT2024_0075 Exploring the HI gas properties in the circumgalactic medium Fujia Li A Abstract
PT2024_0076 Exploring Tiny Scale Atomic Structures and Magnetic Field in the ISM Mengting Liu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0077 Understanding the radiation mechanism using the observation of three bright and nearby pulsars Zhengli Wang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0078 Determine Radio Pulsars' Circular Polarization Mechanisms with FAST Shunshun Cao A+B Abstract
PT2024_0079 Follow-up pulsar search and timing in Globular Cluster M15 Yuxiao Wu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0080 Timing and searching of pulsars in Globular Cluster NCG 6517 with the FAST DejiangYin A+B Abstract
PT2024_0081 Study of GPM J1839-10 Niu Jiarui A+B Abstract
PT2024_0082 Searching for radio emission from magnetars: connecting FRBs and magnetars Qin Wu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0083 Atomic Clouds Driven by the Galactic Nuclear Wind Jing Zhou A+B Abstract
PT2024_0084 FAST Ultra-Deep Survey (FUDS): observation for the FUDS3 field Bi-Qing For A Abstract
PT2024_0085 The cold gas budget and AGN feedback in the host galaxies of Palomar-Green quasars Ran Wang A Abstract
PT2024_0086 Comprehensive Multi-Wavelength Observations of Galactic Magnetars Heng Xu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0087 Pinpointing the onset of radio pulsations in a new transitional millisecond pulsar candidate Emilie Parent A+B Abstract
PT2024_0088 A pilot search for pulsars in M92 stellar stream Xue Mengyao A+B Abstract
PT2024_0089 Nulling, mode-changing or drifting phenomena of the GPPS pulsars Yi Yan A+B Abstract
PT2024_0090 Pulsar search and pulse timing for TeV source 3HWC J0630+186 xiaohong cui A+B Abstract
PT2024_0091 FAST Follow-up (ToO) Observations of New Magnetars Triggered by the Einstein Probe Hang Gong A+B Abstract
PT2024_0092 Prompt study of high-B pulsars' outbursts Yixuan Shao A+B Abstract
PT2024_0093 Building a statistical sample of HI emission in fast radio burst host galaxies Marcin Glowacki A Abstract
PT2024_0094 Searching and timing  for pulsars in M92 Baoda Li A+B Abstract
PT2024_0095 Monitoring a long-active repeating Fast Radio Burst in an eruption environment Ye Li A+B Abstract
PT2024_0096 A FAST hunt for compact, low-mass planetary systems around solitary millisecond pulsars Alexander Wolszczan A+B Abstract
PT2024_0097 A Study of ‘periodic nulls’ in PSR J1819+1305 and J2313+4253 with the FAST yuyan A+B Abstract
PT2024_0098 Searching for radio transients from wide-field circularly-polarised radio surveys Fu Qiuyang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0099 Unusual emission variations near the eclipse of a redback PSR J2215+5135 Wu Qingdong A+B Abstract
PT2024_0100 FAST Single Pulse Census of Nearby Galaxies Duncan Ross Lorimer A+B Abstract
PT2024_0101 Searching for radio emissions from radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars. Ruobin Ding A+B Abstract
PT2024_0102 Search the radio counterparts of several LHAASO sources Jianli Zhang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0103 Searching for Double Pulsars Xue Mengyao A+B Abstract
PT2024_0104 Following up two new FRBs discovered from the CRAFTS drift-scan survey Wang Pei A+B Abstract
PT2024_0105 Zeeman Observations of the Smith High-velocity Cloud's HI Emission Line Chenrui Li A+B Abstract
PT2024_0106 Search for extragalactic HI absorption systems in the redshift range of 0.25-0.35 Bo Zhang A Abstract
PT2024_0107 Identifying and exploring unusual subpulse drifting of pulsars using FAST Yi Yan A+B Abstract
PT2024_0108 The FAST Recombination Line Survey: First Segment IV Bin Liu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0109 Long-term monitoring study of the polarization characteristics of FRB 20240114A Tiancong Wang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0110 Search for companion signals in binary neutron star systems Liwenze A+B Abstract
PT2024_0111 Positioning and Polarization Observations for Known RRATs with FAST zhoudejiang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0112 FAST continuous monitoring of highly active FRB 20240114A Junshuo Zhang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0113 Exploring FRB-like temporal and frequency structure of pulsars and FRBs Weiyang Wang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0114 Investigate HI-H2 Transition in Aquila Xin Lyu A Abstract
PT2024_0115 Assessing Properties of the Perseus Arm Using Radio Recombination Lines Xujia Ouyang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0116 Searching for radio pulsation from supernova 2023ixf Ziwei Wu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0117 Radio emissions from the cool dwarfs using FAST telescope Zhang Liyun A+B Abstract
PT2024_0118 A gamma ray mode-changing pulsar PSR J2021+4026 radio observation Zhang Chunfeng A+B Abstract
PT2024_0119 Measuring polarization profiles and flux densities for all pulsars known in Globular Clusters within FAST sky Liu Tong A+B Abstract
PT2024_0120 Unveiling the magnetic fields in PDRs by measuring the Zeeman splitting of CRRLs Ligang Hou A+B Abstract
PT2024_0121 Scintillation studies of pulsars associated with pulsar wind nebula Yulan Liu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0122 First measurement of HINSA Zeeman effect in the metal-poor Galactic outer disk Lingrui Lin A+B Abstract
PT2024_0123 FAST L-band & Insight-HXMT simultaneous monitoring of SGR 1935+2154 Jian Li A+B Abstract
PT2024_0124 Monitoring an ultra-long period radio transient active for three decades: GPM 1839-10 Yunpeng Men A+B Abstract
PT2024_0125 Are central compact objects and magnetars intrinsic radio-quiet? Wan-jin Lu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0126 Searching for fast radio bursts from a persistent radio source with likely magnetar origin Shiqian Zhao A+B Abstract
PT2024_0127 Investigate the geometry of Pulsar Magnetosphere through Highly Linear Polarised Single-pulses using FAST Xiancong Wu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0128 Measuring magnetic fields strengths in Planck Cold Clumps based on the HINSA Zeeman experiment with FAST Eswaraiah A+B Abstract
PT2024_0129 The first step towards hunting the most distant fast radio bursts Tetsuya Hashimoto A+B Abstract
PT2024_0130 Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field of the Perseus Molecular Cloud Mehrnoosh Tahani A+B Abstract
PT2024_0131 Follow-up observations of GPPS radio transient sources zhoudejiang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0132 Observations of pulsar candidates in supernova remnants zhangzhen A+B Abstract
PT2024_0133 Search for radio pulsations of neutron star candidates in wide orbits from Gaia astrometry Lin Jie A+B Abstract
PT2024_0134 Searching for repeating bursts from 5 FAST-discovered FRBs Qin Wu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0135 Studying the pulsar switch between a strong mode and a weak mode periodically with FAST Jinlin Li A+B Abstract
PT2024_0136 Searching for Giant Pulses from supernova remnants in M31 Jianhua Fang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0137 Depicting the dynamic environment of FRB 20180301A with FAST Rui Luo A+B Abstract
PT2024_0138 The long-term monitoring of the persistent active repeater that was first discovered by FAST-2024 Niu Chenhui A+B Abstract
PT2024_0139 Searching for the Pulsars in 5 Globular Clusters IC 1276, Pal 10, M 107, M 56 and NGC 6229. Yaowei Li A+B Abstract
PT2024_0140 A Search for Fast Radio Bursts from Persistent Radio Source Zhenyin Zhao A+B Abstract
PT2024_0141 Searching for pulsation from pulsar wind nebula Ziwei Wu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0142 Searching for fast radio bursts towards a dwarf galaxy with a radio source resembling the persistent radio source of FRB 20121102A and FRB 20190520B Renzhi Su A+B Abstract
PT2024_0143 Multi-wavelength Constraints on the Nature of Fast Radio Bursts with FAST and XMM-Newton Florian Eppel A+B Abstract
PT2024_0144 Determining the parameter of our binary pulsar in GLIMPSE-C01 and detecting more pulsars Zhang Liyun A+B Abstract
PT2024_0145 Probing the interstellar medium from scintillation of five millisecond pulsars with FAST Zhen Wang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0146 Searched for radio pulsar from Fermi-LAT γ-ray sources zhangzhen A+B Abstract
PT2024_0147 Investigating the Radiation Characteristics of RRAT J2237+2828 with FAST Xie Jintao A+B Abstract
PT2024_0148 Monitoring an active repeating FRB in a clean environment ykzhang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0149 Probing ionized interstellar medium and pulsar population in the Galactic Bulge and its halo xinxu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0150 A search of radio emission in the long-period X-ray pulsars. Qi Liu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0151 Quasi-periodic study of pulsar micro-structure Niu Jiarui A+B Abstract
PT2024_0152 A pilot pulsar survey at high Galactic latitudes Juntao Bai A+B Abstract
PT2024_0153 Polarization study of propagation effects in the eclipsed phase of spider pulsars Cao Jinhuang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0154 Isochronous alternate observations between multiple sources Bo Beng A+B Abstract
PT2024_0155 Studying the radiation characteristic of J2006-0807 with FAST Linfei Chen A+B Abstract
PT2024_0156 Search for radio pulsations from long-period spider pulsar candidates Lin Jie A+B Abstract
PT2024_0157 Searching and Timing the Pulsars in 3 Globular Clusters NGC6539, NGC6749 and NGC6760 Yinfeng Dai A+B Abstract
PT2024_0158 Monitoring a high-B pulsar exhibiting magnetar-like bursts: PSR J1846−0258 YuanChuan Zou  A+B Abstract
PT2024_0159 The fine-structure study of quasi-period micropulse in PSR J0546+2441,J2317+2149 and J0754+3231 using FAST Tian Ruwen A+B Abstract
PT2024_0160 The fine-structure study of quasi-period micropulse in PSR J1910+0714 using FAST Wang shi dong A+B Abstract
PT2024_0161 Radio Observations of Galactic Magnetars and High Magnetic Field Pulsars Jianhua Fang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0162 The nulling and mode changing of PSR J1820-0509 with FAST Zefeng Tu A+B Abstract
PT2024_0163 Exploring the physical properties of the surface of the pulsars Zhengli Wang A+B Abstract
PT2024_0164 Studying the radiation characteristics of pulsars J1907+0859 and J1931+1439 with FAST Yangyang Lv A+B Abstract
PT2024_0165 Third Round of Observing the Best Candidates from the Arecibo SETI@home Sky Survey Tong-Jie Zhang B Abstract
PT2024_0166 A Pilot Search for Polarized Radio Radiation from Nearby Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables Pengfei Jiang B Abstract
PT2024_0167 Detecting the radio emission from two new optical SNRs G209.9-8.2 and G210.5+1.3 xygao B Abstract
PT2024_0168 Study of fast multiwavelength variability in black hole X-ray binaries with FAST and Insight-HXMT Liang Zhang B Abstract
PT2024_0169 Interplanetary Scintillation Observations with FAST during PSP perihelion Liu Lijia B Abstract
PT2024_0170 Follow-up timing of a double neutron star discovered by CRAFTS with FAST Wu Qingdong B Abstract
PT2024_0171 Long-period pulsars: Magnetars or nearly dead pulsars? Nannan Cai B Abstract
PT2024_0172 Studying double neutron star PSR J1519+4904 using Scintillation Velocity Measurements Yuan Mao B Abstract
PT2024_0173 Polarization observations of 110 faint newly discovered GPPS pulsars Jun Xu B Abstract
PT2024_0174 Single Pulse and Polarization Studies of four Pulsars with “Flared” Emission Zhang Dandan B Abstract
PT2024_0175 Fast radio variations of microquasars Wang Wei B Abstract
PT2024_0176 Follow-up timing of three relativistic binary systems De Zhao  B Abstract
PT2024_0177 Continue Monitoring Pulsars in M71 - The Stone to Three Birds are on the Way Yujie Lian B Abstract
PT2024_0178 Long-term Timing of Two Special Pulsars in Globular Cluster M12 Yujie Wang B Abstract
PT2024_0179 Timing and State Change Investigation of PSR J0205+6449 Wentao Ye B Abstract
PT2024_0180 Using interstellar scintillation to measure the distance to a double-neutron-star system Yao Jumei B Abstract
PT2024_0181 The timing study for a millisecond pulsar PSR J0030+0451 Sun Shengnan B Abstract
PT2024_0182 Key data of 333 GPPS pulsars for future phase coherent timing solutions Weiqi Su B Abstract
PT2024_0183 Timing for two RRATs Fang Ziyao B Abstract
PT2024_0184 FAST timing of its firstly discovered pulsar (J2338+4818) Yujie Chen B Abstract
PT2024_0185 Long-term timing of fourteen millisecond pulsars discovered by FAST De Zhao  B Abstract
PT2024_0186 Investigating the Radiation Characteristics of RRAT J2355+1523 with FAST Wang Jingbo B Abstract
PT2024_0187 Timing extremely nulling pulsars discovered by FAST zhoudejiang B Abstract
PT2024_0188 Highly sensitive observations of spider pulsars using FAST Wang Shuangqiang B Abstract
PT2024_0189 Joint Radio and X-ray monitoring of state transition of XRBs Zuobin Zhang B Abstract
PT2024_0190 Timing of newly discovered pulsars J1641+3627H and J1641+3627I, and monitoring the spiders pulsars in M13 and NGC 6712 DejiangYin B Abstract
PT2024_0191 Probing the Magnetic Field in the Companion Wind of Pulsar B1957+20 Daniel Baker B Abstract
PT2024_0192 Timing Observations of Millisecond pulsar J0416+5202g Su Tianhao B Abstract
PT2024_0193 Diffuse Ionized Gas in NGC 7538 Fanyi Meng B Abstract
PT2024_0194 Timing of stable millisecond pulsars that were discovered by FAST - potential sources of pulsar timing array Wang Shuangqiang B Abstract
PT2024_0195 Timing of 33 bright millisecond pulsars discovered by GPPS Wang Chen B Abstract
PT2024_0196 Single-pulse study of newly discovered CRAFTS pulsars PSRs J1813-0452 and J0344-0901 Rukiye Rejep B Abstract
PT2024_0197 Positioning of GPPS faint pulsars Wang Chen B Abstract
PT2024_0198 The long-term monitoring of the most classic intermittent pulsar PSR B1931+24 Abdujappar Rusul B Abstract
PT2024_0199 35 Pulsars Discovered in the GPPS Survey: Young or Old? Weiqi Su B Abstract
PT2024_0200 Timing of 17 GPPS millisecond pulsars with a massive white dwarf companion Zonglin Yang B Abstract
PT2024_0201 Search for axion dark matter in the magnetosphere of pulsars Zihan Xue B Abstract
PT2024_0202 Long-term Pulse Profile Evolution in Young Pulsars Niu Jiarui B Abstract
PT2024_0203 Study on the jitter noises in millisecond pulsars using FAST Wang Shuangqiang B Abstract
PT2024_0204 Exploring 3D magnetosphere with relativistic binary pulsars Kou Feifei B Abstract
PT2024_0205 Detecting Gravitational Wave in the Milli-Hz and Micro-Hz Band Heng Xu B Abstract
PT2024_0206 Joint timing analysis with Arecibo and FAST for pulsars in M53: the most distant GC with known pulsars Yujie Lian B Abstract
PT2024_0207 Polarization observations of the newly discovered MSPs with FAST Sun Shengnan B Abstract
PT2024_0208 Timing of 20 young pulsars or candidates discovered by GPPS Survey Weiqi Su B Abstract
PT2024_0209 Revealing the pulsar spin-velocity relationship using a hyper-velocity pulsar Wei Yu B Abstract
PT2024_0210 Machine learning analysis of radio pulse statistical properties near (estimated) glitch epochs in two gamma-ray pulsars: J2021+3651 and J2229+6114 Zhou Shiqi B Abstract
PT2024_0211 Contiune to monitor and discover pulsars in Globular Cluster M2 and M14 Liu kuo B Abstract
PT2024_0212 Probing the magnetic field in the large-scale polarization bubble G164+2.5 Xiao Li B Abstract
PT2024_0213 Studying the radiation characteristic of Rotating Radio Transients with FAST Xupiao Yang B Abstract
PT2024_0214 Detecting potential dark galaxy through HI observation Yuzhu Sun B Abstract
PT2024_0215 Exploring the Extended Gas Structures of NGC 6240: Insights into Merger-Driven Galaxy Evolution Xinkai Chen B Abstract
PT2024_0216 Probing the Neutral Intergalactic Medium in the Filaments Associated with Hercules Supercluster Qingzheng Yu B Abstract
PT2024_0217 Follow-up timing of four spider pulsar discovery by Fermi Wu Qingdong B Abstract
PT2024_0218 Scintillation Observations of CPTA pulsars Xu Yonghua B Abstract
PT2024_0219 Atomic Gas Evolution as Galaxies Fall into the Virgo Cluster Yu Niankun B Abstract
PT2024_0220 Follow-up timing studies for 15 slow-period pulsars discovered by FAST Habtamu Menberu Tedila B Abstract
PT2024_0221 Searching for OH Megamasers in Infrared-luminous Dusty Galaxies Ren Zhiyuan B Abstract
PT2024_0222 Mapping Diffuse HI in NGC 3448 and NGC 5713: Interacting Low-mass Starbursts with Clues of Gas Accretion Hassen Mohammed Yesuf B Abstract
PT2024_0223 Testing the Origin of Low Star Formation Efficiency in Gas-rich Quiescent Galaxies Li Yang B Abstract
PT2024_0224 Timing pulsars efficiently through multi-beam pointings (2024) Jing Wei-cong B Abstract
PT2024_0225 Follow-up timing and timing noise studies of 7 millisecond pulsars Tantan Du B Abstract
PT2024_0226 Timing of eight new pulsars discovered by FAST Juntao Bai B Abstract
PT2024_0227 Follow-up observation of HI 21-cm absorber candidates found by blind searching in 2024 Wenkai Hu B Abstract
PT2024_0228 Timing of 9 new fast discovered pulsars Ziyao Fang B Abstract
PT2024_0229 Constraining the Properties of Stellar Explosions from Radio Observations Wang Xiaofeng B Abstract
PT2024_0230 Hunting for binary star interaction Yang GAO B Abstract
PT2024_0231 Timing of 17 spider pulsars discovered in the FAST GPPS survey Zonglin Yang B Abstract
PT2024_0232 Capturing the HI filaments around NGC 2685 Yu Niankun B Abstract
PT2024_0233 Constrain the orbital parameters for a new Millisecond Pulsar J1810-0622 Wang Zerui B Abstract
PT2024_0234 Investigating Rapid Variability in Microquasar Jeong-Sook Kim B Abstract
PT2024_0235 Timing Highly Scattered Pulsars and Probing the Interstellar Medium Jing Wei-cong B Abstract
PT2024_0236 Constrain the gravitational wave signals from μHz to 200Hz using high resolution pulsar timing by FAST Shenghua Yu B Abstract
PT2024_0237 Studys of timing and scintillation for pulsars in M3 Baoda Li B Abstract
PT2024_0238 Revisiting the limits on Magnetic Fields Strength using Zeeman HINSA measurements EKTA SHARMA B Abstract
PT2024_0239 Measure the proper motions of GPPS pulsars with FAST Zonglin Yang B Abstract
PT2024_0240 Probing the H I Gas of FRB Host Galaxies XiangLei Chen B Abstract
PT2024_0241 Diffuse Regions of AGN-host Galaxies Observable in Nearby Surveys (FAST-DRAGONS) Hao Lei B Abstract
PT2024_0242 Characterising the Neutral Gas Outflow by Deep FAST Observations Yucheng Guo B Abstract
PT2024_0243 Detecting Extragalactic OH Absorption Systems with FAST Zheng Zheng B Abstract
PT2024_0244 Deep Mapping of Diffuse HI Gas Associated with HCG 100 Qingzheng Yu B Abstract
PT2024_0245 Contiguous H I Mapping for Galaxies Evolving in 1e13Msun Galaxy Groups Xuchen Lin B Abstract
PT2024_0246 Using HINSA N-PDF to Study the Properties of Cold Atomic Gas and Star Formation in the California Molecular Cloud Linjing Feng B Abstract
PT2024_0247 How are galaxies losing their gases in the Virgo cluster ? Heng Yu B Abstract
PT2024_0248 Long-term timing of 6 CRAFTS pulsars discovered by FAST Rukiye Rejep B Abstract
PT2024_0249 Studying the radiation characteristic of rotating radio transients (RRATs) with FAST Zhe Yang B Abstract
PT2024_0250 Ultra deep HI targeted survey of red galaxies Xiao Li B Abstract
PT2024_0251 FAST hIGH redshifT HI galaxy survey (FIGHT) Hongwei Xi B Abstract
PT2024_0252 Multi-band spectroscopic surveys of the lambda Orionis complex --- The FAST survey Xunchuan Liu B Abstract
PT2024_0253 Study of HI signatures in interacting dwarfs within Lynx-Cancer void Rakshit Chauhan B Abstract
PT2024_0254 When does H2 form: constraining cloud-formation timescale using HINSA Yuchen Xing B Abstract
PT2024_0255 Using OH absorption lines to constrain variations of fundamental physical constants Renzhi Su B Abstract
PT2024_0256 Mapping HI towards the unusual asymptotic giant branch star: RS Cnc Xiaomin Song B Abstract
PT2024_0257 Probing Gravity-Magnetic Field Interplay for Star Formation Processes Hiroko Shinnaga B Abstract
PT2024_0258 Further FAST observational studies of drifting mode pulsar J2321+6024 Tao.Yang B Abstract
PT2024_0259 Single-pulse study of three pulsars discovered by CRAFTS Wang Zerui B Abstract
PT2024_0260 A Search for Optical Counterparts of Active Repeating FRBs via FAST-Seimei Synergistic Observations Ji-an Jiang B Abstract
PT2024_0261 Sensitive HI observations toward a young molecular cloud associated with GSH139-03-09 Ningyu Tang B Abstract
PT2024_0262 Monitoring  radio emissions from magnetars Lang Xie B Abstract
PT2024_0263 A Mini Survey for White Dwarf Pulsar ykzhang B Abstract
PT2024_0264 FAST-Parkes joint monitoring of FRB20190520B Yuhao Zhu B Abstract
PT2024_0265 Regular monitoring for repeating FRB 20230607A by FAST zhoudejiang B Abstract
PT2024_0266 Hunting for radio bursts from the Globular Clusters in M31 Han Jinlin B Abstract
PT2024_0267 Follow-up observations of 7 FRBs discovered in the GPPS survey zhoudejiang B Abstract
PT2024_0268 Repeating FRBs observation and check of repeaters' potential active phase Wang Wei B Abstract